Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I have been starting to trade with option lately.  It gives you great leverage where you can earn huge percentage.  However it is very volatile and you could lose all.  so play it safe and small and get the feel for it.
Here is two charts that I have traded yesterday and closed them today.  For over night, I have earned over 200% on each option. wow.

First one is apple.  Aapl had conference call yesterday about their new 5S and 5C and stock tanked.
I bought 495 put at $7.35 around end of yesterday and sold for $24 today morning. :)

Next one is bidu.  It looked as it was about to bo so I bought $145 call and indeed it did break out today.
Bought it for $1.40 and sold it at $4. hehe..

Good day!!!